Baptism is the first sacrament received when entering the Catholic faith. As a sacrament of initiation, it can only be received once, signifying a person’s official entry into the body of Christ and the Catholic Church. Through baptism, the recipient is granted both justifying and sanctifying grace, and the Holy Spirit begins to dwell within them. According to, baptism accomplishes five key things:
It forgives all sins committed before baptism, including original, mortal, and venial sin.
It makes the baptized a new creation.
It adopts the baptized as a son or daughter of God and a member of the Church.
It allows them to share in the royal priesthood of Christ (1 Peter 2:9).
It leaves an indelible spiritual mark, signifying their belonging to Christ.
To have your child baptized, please fill out the form and email to the Parish Office. ([email protected]) Then call the Parish Office to request an appointment. (562) 425-7459.