Thanks to our many Parishioners who joined together to make our Labyrinth a reality!
Walking a labyrinth has no prescribed method; simply follow what feels natural to you while being considerate of others on the path. Allow your body to dictate your pace. Aim to clear your mind and remain open to thoughts and emotions.
Enter the labyrinth with a gentle pace, calming your mind and spirit. Consider a prayer or chant to guide you in this introspective journey. Engage your senses fully, moving deliberately with each step. Contemplate a spiritual question or prayer as you progress towards the center. Upon exiting, absorb the experience with ongoing contemplation, prayer, or journaling. Allow the labyrinth's wisdom to resonate within you.
We invite, not only our St. Maria Goretti family to experience the Labyrinth, but also, our community at large in both Lakewood and Long Beach.