Altar Servers: Wendy Hart Hagen (714)448-0254
Bible Study: Rolf Trondsen (562) 897-6584
[email protected]Confirmation: Albert Valdespino (562) 541-6702
El Shaddai Charismatic Prayer Group: Mel Arcillas
(310) 890-6541Eucharistic Ministers: Call Parish Office
Eucharistic to the Sick: Call Parish Office
Lectors: Leo Moons (562) 760-2951
[email protected]Knights of Columbus: Dave Williams (562) 221-6985
Lectors: Leo Moons (562) 760-2951
[email protected]Music: Steve Ordonez (562) 425-7459
[email protected]Religious Education: Debbie Palzer/
Senior Social Circle: Genelle Curiel (562) 425-7753
St. Vincent De Paul: Tina Richardson (562) 542-6486Scouts/Boy: Katie Harshaw (562) 595-2220/
Greg Gath (562) 453-9553
Scouts/Cub: Solange Thompson (323) 376-8599
Ushers: Dave Williams (562) 221-6985
Coro: Nelson Prieto (562) 881-8549
[email protected]Lectores: Lidia Godinez (562) 833-3284
Ujieres: Celia Chan (562-507-8112
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles mandates all clergy, staff, whether paid or volunteer, and all volunteers who work in any capacity with or around children, the elderly, or people with special needs to complete the initial three-hour VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children for Adults™ program. The program helps clergy, staff, volunteers, and parents to understand the facts and myths about child sexual abuse, how perpetrators groom children and young people, and how they, as caring adults, can learn and implement the important “Five Step Plan” to Protect God’s Children in helping to prevent child sexual abuse.
Eucharistic Ministers, also known as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, are laypeople authorized by the Catholic Church to assist in the distribution of the Eucharist, particularly in situations where there are not enough priests or deacons available. They serve during Mass by offering the consecrated bread and wine to the faithful. Eucharistic Ministers at St. Maria Goretti Parish undergo training and are commissioned by our pastor to fulfill this important ministry, which symbolizes the unity of the Church and the sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ.
If you are interested in serving in this very essential ministry for the English or Spanish Masses, please call the rectory at
(562) 425 - 7459.
Requirements: Must be a practicing Catholic who has received their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation).
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick are trained laypeople authorized by the Catholic Church to bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to attend Mass due to illness, infirmity, or old age. They visit hospitals, nursing homes, and private residences to offer the sacrament to the sick and homebound, bringing them spiritual comfort and communion with the Church. Our St. Maria Goretti ministers receive special training in pastoral care and reverence for the Eucharist, ensuring that the sacrament is administered with dignity and respect.
Please call the church office if you are interested in bringing Christ to those unable to attend church, 562-425-7459.
Requirements: Must be a practicing Catholic who has received their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation).
The ministry of lector in the Catholic Church involves the proclamation of Sacred Scripture during liturgical celebrations, particularly the readings from the Old and New Testaments during Mass. Lectors are entrusted with the important responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God to the assembly, helping to facilitate the encounter between believers and the living Word of God. They receive training in public speaking, proper pronunciation, and understanding the meaning of the scripture passages they will proclaim. Lectors are often commissioned by the parish priest or other church leaders to serve in this ministry, which plays a vital role in the worship life of the Catholic community.
Call Leo Moons (562) 760-2951.
The Music Ministry at St. Maria Goretti involves the use of music to enhance worship and praise during liturgical celebrations, such as Mass and other sacramental rites. Music ministers, including choir members, instrumentalists, and cantors or song leaders, collaborate to create a reverent and uplifting atmosphere that helps to deepen the congregation's spiritual experience.
Music ministry serves several purposes within our community:
Enhancing Worship: Music ministers select and perform hymns, chants, and other sacred music that complement the liturgical season, readings, and themes of the Mass. Their goal is to lead the congregation in joyful participation and prayerful reflection.
Expressing Faith: Through music, believers express their devotion, gratitude, and praise to God. The music ministry provides a platform for congregants to engage with their faith on a deeper emotional and spiritual level.
Facilitating Unity: Music has the power to unite diverse worshipers in a common expression of faith. Regardless of individual backgrounds or preferences, music ministry brings people together in communal prayer and celebration.
Fostering Contemplation: Certain musical pieces, such as hymns, chants, and instrumental interludes, create opportunities for quiet contemplation and meditation during Mass. Music ministers help create these moments of silence and reflection.
Supporting Liturgical Elements: Music ministry supports various parts of the Mass, including the entrance procession, responsorial psalm, Gospel acclamation, offertory, communion, and recessional. Each musical selection is carefully chosen to complement the liturgical action taking place.
Music ministers work closely with clergy and other liturgical ministers to ensure that the music enhances the overall worship experience and remains faithful to Catholic traditions and teachings.
Are you interested? Email Steve Ordonez at: [email protected]
Altar servers at St. Maria Goretti play a crucial role in assisting the priest during Mass and other liturgical ceremonies.
Their responsibilities include:
Assisting the priest: Altar servers help the priest by preparing the altar with the necessary items for Mass, such as the chalice, paten, and sacramental vessels. During the Mass, they assist the priest by holding the liturgical books, lighting candles, and handing him the required items.
Setting the tone: Altar servers contribute to the reverent atmosphere of the Mass by their demeanor and actions. They serve as role models for the congregation through their attentiveness, reverence, and active participation in the liturgy.
Facilitating smooth transitions: Altar servers help facilitate smooth transitions between different parts of the Mass, such as the procession and the preparation of the gifts. Their presence ensures that the liturgy proceeds seamlessly.
Symbolizing service: By serving at the altar, altar servers symbolize the call to serve others and the Church. Their ministry reflects the larger mission of all baptized Christians to serve God and their neighbors with humility and dedication.
Altar servers typically receive training in the rituals and procedures of the Mass, as well as proper etiquette and reverence for the sacred liturgy. Altar serving is often seen as a formative experience, helping individuals grow in their faith and understanding of the Mass while actively participating in the Church's worship.
Please consider this very important ministry because we really need you.
Students in grades 5 through 12. Call Wendy Hagen at 714-448-0254.
Ushers at St. Maria Goretti serve as Ministers of Hospitaity or hosts and facilitators during Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Their role includes:
Greeting and welcoming: Ushers welcome parishioners and visitors as they enter the church, creating a warm and hospitable environment for worship.
Seating assistance: Ushers assist in finding seating for attendees, especially during crowded Masses or special events, ensuring that everyone can participate comfortably.
Collecting offerings: Ushers facilitate the collection of the offertory gifts and the monetary offerings from the congregation during Mass, ensuring that the gifts are presented to the priest or designated ministers.
Guiding procession: Ushers may assist in organizing and guiding processions, such as the procession for communion.
Addressing emergencies: Ushers are trained to handle emergencies or disruptions during Mass, such as medical emergencies or disturbances, ensuring the safety and well-being of attendees.
Overall, our play a vital role in creating a welcoming and orderly environment for worship, helping to ensure that the liturgical celebration proceeds smoothly and that attendees feel comfortable and supported in their participation.
Contact Dave Williams (562) 221-6985St. Maria Goretti School education for grades TK (Transitional Kindergarten) through 8 offers several valuable benefits:
HOLISTIC FORMATION: St. Maria Goretti Schools provides an education that integrates faith, academics, and character formation. Students not only receive a strong academic foundation but also learn values rooted in Catholic teachings, fostering their spiritual, moral, and social development.
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: Catholic schools as well as St. Maria Goretti School is known for high academic standards and rigorous curricula. They strive to cultivate critical thinking skills, creativity, and a lifelong love of learning, preparing students for success in higher education and beyond.
FAITH FORMATION: A St. Maria Goretti School education nurtures students' faith through religious instruction, prayer, sacramental preparation, and participation in liturgical celebrations. We help students develop a deep understanding of Catholic beliefs and practices, fostering a strong relationship with God.
SAFE AND NURTURING ENVIRONMENT: St. Maria Goretti School provides a safe and supportive learning environment where students feel valued, respected, and cared for. With smaller class sizes and a focus on individualized attention, teachers can better address the unique needs of each student.
COMMUNITY AND SERVICE: St. Maria Goretti School emphasizes the importance of service, social justice, and community involvement. Students engage in outreach projects, service-learning initiatives, and extracurricular activities that instill a sense of responsibility and compassion for others.
PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS: St. Maria Goretti School recognizes parents as the primary educators of their children and strive to work in partnership with them to support their child's growth and development. We encourage parental involvement through communication, collaboration, and participation in school activities.
Overall, St. Maria Goretti School education for grades TK through 8 offers a well-rounded experience that prepares students academically, spiritually, and socially, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to thrive in today's world.
K-8. Grandparents are needed to read to small groups of students. Parishioners are needed to help at School Masses. Please contact Mr. Gabriel Reyes, principal, at the School Office (562) 425-5112.
Religious education in the at St. Maria Goretti encompasses the teaching and formation of individuals in the faith and teachings of the Catholic tradition. It serves people of all ages, from children to adults, and typically includes the following elements:
CATECHESIS: This involves systematic instruction in the beliefs, practices, and moral principles of the Catholic faith. Catechesis aims to deepen understanding and foster spiritual growth.
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Religious education prepares individuals for the reception of the sacraments, such as Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Marriage, and Holy Orders. This preparation often includes instruction, reflection, and rituals specific to each sacrament.
SCRIPTURE STUDY: Religious education includes the study of the Bible, focusing on key passages, themes, and teachings. Understanding Scripture is essential for Catholics to deepen their relationship with God and live out their faith.
PRAYER AND SPIRITUALITY: Religious education teaches various forms of prayer and spirituality, helping individuals develop a personal prayer life and cultivate a deeper connection with God.
ETHICAL FORMATION: Religious education emphasizes moral teachings and ethical principles derived from Catholic social teaching. It guides individuals in making ethical decisions and living virtuous lives in accordance with the Gospel.
LITURGICAL FORMATION: Education in the Catholic faith encourages active participation in the liturgical life of the Church, including attending Mass, receiving the sacraments, and engaging in communal worship.
Religious education takes place in various settings, including parish-based religious education programs, Catholic schools, adult faith formation classes, and retreats. It is typically led by trained catechists, teachers, priests, religious educators, and other qualified individuals who help facilitate learning and spiritual growth in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Religious Ed Office (562) 541-6702. Religious Ed Email: [email protected].
Elementary Coordinator: Debbie Palzer;
Junior High Religious Ed and High School Confirmation Coordinator: Albert Valedspino.
St. Maria Goretti Bible Study is an organized exploration and reflection on the sacred text of the Bible. It involves delving into the meaning, context, and significance of biblical passages to deepen understanding, foster spiritual growth, and apply the teachings to daily life. Bible study can take various forms, including:
SCRIPTURE READING: Participants read and study specific passages or entire books of the Bible, considering the historical, cultural, and literary context.
DISCUSSION: Bible Study often involves group discussion, where participants share insights, ask questions, and engage in dialogue about the meaning and implications of the text.
REFLECTION: Individuals or groups reflect on how the biblical message applies to their personal lives, relationships, and communities, discerning its relevance and significance.
PRAYER: Bible Study may include prayerful reflection on the scripture passages, inviting participants to connect with God and seek guidance in applying the teachings to their lives.
APPLICATION: Participants explore practical ways to live out the values and teachings found in the Bible, striving to integrate them into their beliefs, attitudes, and actions.
St. Maria Goretti Bible Study serves as a means of deepening one's relationship with God, fostering spiritual growth, and gaining wisdom and insight from the inspired word of God.
St. Maria Goretti Bible Study meets every other Thursday evening. Call Rolf Trondsen (562) 897-6584.
The St Maria Goretti Pastoral councils are advisory bodies comprised of lay members of the parish community who collaborate with the pastor to support the mission and ministries of the parish. Their roles typically include:
ADVISORY ROLE: Parish Council provides advice and recommendations to the pastor on matters related to the spiritual, pastoral, and administrative life of the parish.
PASTORAL PLANNING: They assist in developing and implementing pastoral plans and initiatives that address the needs of the parish community and promote its growth and vitality.
COLLABORATIVE DECISION-MAKING: Council members work collaboratively with the pastor and other parish leaders to make decisions that affect the overall direction and activities of the parish.
REPRESENTING PARISHIONERS Parish councils serve as representatives of the broader parish community, advocating for the interests and concerns of parishioners and fostering open communication and dialogue.
PROMOTING PARISH LIFE: Councils may help organize and support various parish ministries, programs, and events that promote community building, spiritual growth, and outreach.
St Maria Goretti Pastoral Council operates under the guidance of our pastor, Fr. Truc Nguyen, and in accordance with the norms established by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. They typically consist of a diverse group of parishioners who bring a variety of talents, perspectives, and experiences to their service on the council.
Consult and coordinate with the pastor on matters pertaining to parish life and operation.
All parishioners are invited to share their time, treasure and talent with others and with our Church.
The St. Maria Goretti Finance Council finance councils are advisory bodies within a parish or diocese responsible for assisting pastors and bishops in matters related to financial stewardship, planning, and oversight. Their roles typically include:
FINANCIAL PLANNING: The St. Maria Goretti Finance Council assists in the development of annual budgets, financial policies, and long-term financial plans for the parish, ensuring responsible stewardship of resources.
BUDGET OVERSIGHT: Members review financial reports, monitor budget performance, and provide recommendations to ensure that financial resources are allocated effectively and in accordance with the mission and priorities of the Church.
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The St. Maria Goretti Finance Council advises on matters related to fundraising, investments, property management, and capital projects, helping to safeguard assets and optimize financial sustainability.
COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY: Members ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as with diocesan financial guidelines and policies. The Finance Council also promotes transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in financial matters.
RISK MANAGEMENT: The Finance council assesses financial risks and vulnerabilities, develop strategies to mitigate risks, and establishes internal controls to safeguard against fraud, misuse, or mismanagement of funds.
COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION: The St. Maria Goretti Finance Council fosters communication and transparency regarding financial matters within the parish, providing regular updates to the pastor, parishioners, and other stakeholders. The Finance Councils may also offer educational resources and training to promote financial literacy and stewardship.
The St. Maria Goretti Parish Finance Councils typically consists of lay members with expertise in finance, accounting, law, business administration, or related fields, who are appointed by the pastor. They collaborate with clergy, parish staff, and other advisory bodies to ensure the responsible management of financial resources in support of the Church's mission and ministries.
Chairman: Fr. Truc Nguyen, pastor
Meets quarterly.
Eucharistic Adoration is a devotional practice in which the consecrated Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, is exposed for public veneration and worship. It involves:
EXPOSITION: The Blessed Sacrament is displayed in a monstrance, a sacred vessel designed to hold the consecrated host. The priest or exposes the Eucharist, typically after Mass, by placing it in the monstrance on the altar for all to see.
PRAYER AND CONTEMPLATION: During Eucharistic Adoration, believers gather to pray, meditate, and adore Jesus present in the Eucharist. They may engage in personal prayers, recite the Rosary, read Scripture, or simply spend time in silent contemplation before the Blessed Sacrament.
ADORATION AND WORSHIP: Catholics believe that Jesus is truly present—body, blood, soul, and divinity—in the Eucharist. Therefore, Eucharistic adoration is an opportunity to express reverence, adoration, and worship toward Christ, recognizing His real presence in the consecrated host.
OFFERING INTENTIONS: During adoration, individuals may offer their personal intentions, prayers, and petitions to Jesus present in the Eucharist, seeking His guidance, grace, and intercession in their lives.
BENEDICTION: Eucharistic adoration often concludes with a ceremony called benediction, in which the priest blesses the congregation with the Eucharist, making the sign of the cross with the monstrance and offering a final blessing.
Eucharistic adoration is a means of fostering devotion to the Eucharist and deepening one's spiritual life. It is a cherished tradition that offers believers a profound encounter with the living presence of Christ.
Private Eucharistic Adoration on the 1st Friday of each month beginning after the 8:00am Mass and ending at 10:00am.
The Knights of Columbus Council 3629 is a Catholic fraternal organization founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut. It is dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The organization's activities include:
Charitable Work: The Knights of Columbus engage in a wide range of charitable initiatives, including supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities, providing disaster relief, assisting refugees and immigrants, and sponsoring youth programs.
Spiritual Formation: The organization encourages its members to deepen their faith through participation in sacraments, prayer, and religious education. Knights of Columbus councils often sponsor spiritual retreats, pilgrimages, and other devotional activities.
Fraternity and Fellowship: Knights of Columbus councils serve as a source of fraternal support and camaraderie for Catholic men and their families. Members gather for social events, service projects, and community activities, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual assistance.
Service to the Church: The Knights of Columbus support the Catholic Church and its ministries through financial contributions, volunteer service, and advocacy for religious freedom and pro-life causes. They also assist local parishes with various needs, such as building projects, maintenance, and outreach programs.
Patriotic Activities: The organization promotes patriotism and civic engagement among its members, encouraging them to uphold the principles of democracy, defend religious liberty, and honor veterans and military personnel.
Members are Catholic men who are at least 18 years old and in good standing with the Church. The organization has grown to become one of the largest fraternal organizations in the world, with millions of members and councils spread across numerous countries.
The world’s largest lay apostolate. Msgr. John Cawley Council #3629 meets monthly in Molloy Hall. at St. Maria Goretti Church.
St. Maria Goretti Parish Representative: David Williams (562) 221-6985 & Joe Hernandez (562) 417-3526.
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. Meets quarterly to support the work of the Archdiocese.
Catholic lay organization for spiritual growth through helping the needy. Meets second and forth Thursdays of the month from 7:00-8:30pm.
Call (562) 542-6486 for more information.
Sr. Teresa, Catholic Chaplain - Los Padrinos, (562) 940-8711.
Out to lunch every other month for fellowship. All parishioners invited - no age minimum . Call Genelle Curiel at (562) 425-7753.
Meets Sundays at 6:30 in the Parish Hall. It is for boys 6th through 12th grade. We camp, hike, fish, and do many other outdoor activities.
Call Katie Harshaw (562) 595-2220 / Greg Gath (562) 453-9553